Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Short, fun, Haiku

The appearance of a shower that's just been used–
Curtain pulled back, revealing
water droplets like fresh dew


CMCEnglish said...

You might want to talk with your classmate who is studying Mandarin in directed study (let me know if you don't know who this is)--in his college investigation to find Chinese language schools, he may have come across the Japanese language schools, if this will influence your college choices.

Many scholars agree with you about the translation issue. I would imagine that if you knew the language, you would be quite dexterous at writing interesting and non-generic translations.

That said, do you want to proceed as planned for now, or do you need to take on learning the language and perhaps strictly studying just haiku or some other very small unit of literature? Either way is okay with me....

William IV said...

Oh, I definitely plan to continue with my study. However, for any extended study, say, for a Graduate school thesis or something of the like, I would need to learn the language.

I didn't mean to sound overly bemoanful with my other post (the phrase "insufferably generic" may have been a little dramatic). The translations aren't completely ruinous. But they are an obstacle.