Thursday, September 11, 2008


feet and bum planted on the dry doorstep,
watching the rain.
palms around a warm mug

absence of plastics–
everything rustic and crooked
around a lake of liquid silver

ripples in a lake of quicksilver
or was it liquid glass?
or was it merely water?

everything is as it is
I believe in gravity–
salt at the bottom of a large order of fries

tired; worn out
happily flushed–
sleep easy

sleek, smooth, even, full,
aesthetically pleasing–
how can an old tree compare?

warm air and long shadows:
the strange intimacy
of a summer night

These are just a few I wrote today. Didn't put too much effort into them.

1 comment:

CMCEnglish said...

What do you see in your haiku that do/don't match the aesthetic you're going for? Your subject matter seems quite original!